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 Improv Classes 

Improv 101
(Ages 15-100+)

with Jess LeClair & Tina Moore

Sundays, Sept 24 - Nov 12, 6 pm - 7:30 pm

Our most popular and longest-running class, Improv 101 is a perfect fit for anyone and everyone! Students have ranged in age from 15 to 80+, and all backgrounds, careers, personalities, and levels of experience and ambition are welcome!

This class makes it fun and safe to play, improvise, and even perform in the most supportive and enjoyable environment imaginable. It is the perfect introduction to the CTC's signature style of acting and improvising - supportive, in-the-moment, and here to play! 
Whether you see yourself onstage or just want to try something new, Improv 101 is right for you.


 Improv Shows 

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A group of directors competes to create scenes with the best promises, themes, and WOW factors!


Who will win doubloons and who will walk the plank?

You decide!

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The CTC's longest-running improv show!


Performers compete for your votes and you decide the winner!

It's full of short scenes and a whole lot of laughs.

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A full musical - but it's all improvised on the spot! Plot, characters, and yes, all of the songs are created in the moment.

The audience suggests a title, then votes on their favorite pitch from the cast and away we go!

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Wild Card Night!


A new duo?

A new format?


Anything can happen, but you'll always have fun!

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Stay tuned for new dates!



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June 2024

5-day festival featuring improv groups and teachers from around the world

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October 2024

4-day festival featuring Black performers from across the country

Contemporary Theater Company

(401) 218-0282

327 Main Street 

Wakefield, RI 02879

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Funding provided in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and private funders.

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©2024 The Contemporary Theater Company

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