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 Summer Camp Pricing 

We have a summer camp pricing system to go with our ticket prices that we think will better serve our community.

We want to acknowledge the reality that some folks in our community are able to pay more than others. We believe that all kids deserve to enjoy a camp or class that allows them to embrace their creativity and express themselves, no matter their financial situation.


We also greatly value our teachers and want to be able to grow our program to meet the needs of our community.

The Summer Camp Options

Every student experiences camp in the same way - this is just a way to make camp available to a larger number of students! Choose the tier that works for you.


Early Bird Price

Tier 1 - $350 per week - This rate helps support families who need help affording camp and ensures we are able to support our wonderful teachers and staff.


Tier 2 - $300 per week - This rate is for anyone who needs a little support.


Tier 3 - $250 per week - This rate is available for anyone who needs it thanks to generous support from donors.


All of these price options are available to everyone, no questions asked. So choose the option that's right for your family! If you would like to support our Summer Camp Fund and ensure that every student who wants to is able to enjoy camp, you can make a donation to our Jack Albanese Scholarship Fund. Your support helps us make it a magical experience!

Part of why we're implementing this system is so that we'll also be able to offer more full scholarships for students who otherwise wouldn't be able to come to camp. If you or someone you know would benefit from more support, please reach out - email Maggie Cady at


As a company, we believe that striving for equity, whether it's onstage, in the audience, or in our classes, is key to creating a stronger and better community and society. We all need a little help sometimes, and that shouldn't stop anyone from being able to receive enriching arts education!

Contemporary Theater Company

(401) 218-0282

327 Main Street 

Wakefield, RI 02879

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Funding provided in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and private funders.

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